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Update (2/12/19). Due in part to lack of in-person testimony in support of New Hampshire Graduate Physician HB509-FN, the bill has been voted "Inexpedient to Legislate for 02/14/2019 (Vote 17-2; CC)" and will not be moved to the full House of Representatives for a vote. Thank you to those who submitted written testimony.

Update (1/21/19)! Here are links for our testimony in support of New Hampshire Graduate Physician HB509-FN and a template for sending your testimony.

Breaking News (1/16/19)! Rep. William Marsh, M.D. has introduced HB509, a pilot program for Graduate Physicians, which will be heard at 1:00 p.m. on 1/24/19 at the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH in Room 205. Please attend if possible to support his efforts or send documents in support to HHSEA@leg.state.nh.us!

Breaking (11/13/18)! Congratulations to Rep. William Marsh, M.D., sponsor of last year's "Graduate Physician" proposed legislation, who has been re-elected! He is planning to introduce a pilot program with similar objectives this week. How will a majority Democrat NH House and Senate respond to the physician shortage and related opioid crisis?

New (7/15/18)! The first annual "Freedom to Realize the Dream of Medicine (FRDM) Index" for 2018 is available for download! Where does your state rank in medical freedom?

Breaking News (4/19/18)! New Hampshire HB1506 Full Senate vote adopts amendment replacing entire Graduate Physician bill with primary care workforce language.

Breaking News (4/19/18)! New Hampshire HB1506 Full Senate Vote is TODAY, 4/19/18! Full recap of proceedings, how Senators voted, and editorial opinion tomorrow!

Breaking News (4/2/18)! New Hampshire HB1506 Voted 4-0 "Ought to Pass with Amendment" changing "regulation of graduate physicians" to "commission on primary care workforce issues" (FREEDOM is reviewing amendment carefully.)

Breaking News (3/29/18)! Audio of 3/28/18 New Hampshire HB1506 Graduate Physician hearing (FREEDOM testimony starts at 44:23) :

Breaking News (3/22/18)! Senate hearing for HB1506 (Graduate Physician): March 28, 9:15am, Legislative Office Building, Room 101. Click to email testimony to committee members

Update (3/14/18)! New Hampshire "Graduate Physician" bill (HB1506): Senate 'Introduced 03/08/2018 and Referred to Executive Departments and Administration; SJ 7'

New Hampshire Business Review article - online 3/8/18, appears in 3/16/18 issue: "House backs attempt to fill physician shortage"

Senator James Gray, co-sponsor of bill introduced and passed by Representative William Marsh, issues press release on 3/8/18

Wall Street Journal features blog post on 2/27/18 written by Dr. Jeffrey Flier, former dean of Harvard Medical School, "How can we remedy the shortage of health providers?"

Update (1/18/18)! New Hampshire Testimony in Support of HB 1506-FN!

For more information, please contact us: info@freedomfordoctors.org Created December 24, 2016. All rights reserved. Please report website issues: admin@freedomfordoctors.org
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